
Cimate Action

Climate action is a major driving factor for our economic activities as a nation for example in farming, fishing among others. We endeavor to develop programs aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Africa by supporting biogas use for domestic and commercial consumption. We have established a carbon credit unit that seeks to enhance our climate action services through engaging in certified carbon projects that deliver measurable impacts on consumer well-being, forest protection and use of clean energy.

Bio-energy MSME Support

To support our BCEs, the Africa Biogas Program has modelled a marketing approach for biogas and other forms of clean energy with the aim of building effective marketing and business development structure for the biogas sector, this approach is called the Biogas Marketing Hub model (BMH). The models empowers active Biogas entrepreneurs, to enhance their entrepreneurial capacities to be able to grow their business while supporting the global effects of reducing the negative effects of climate change.

Bio-Energy Markets Innovation

This supports the agriculture value chains by enhancing the use of bio energy products for agricultural products. Highlight innovations around, food storage, preservation, food waste valorisation into bio slurry and bio compost.
This entails:
a. Bio-energy for productive use- powering machines using biogas like chaff cutters and add stories, biogas driven engines and generators
b. Bio-energy for agriculture- preservation of farm -biogas for refrigeration, milk chilling there are (pictures and videos for these), powering agro industries-using bricket in tea factories, bio-digesters being used in flower farms to recover energy by generating electricity for the flower farms.

Consumer Organization

To support our BCEs, the Africa Biogas Program has modelled a marketing approach for biogas and other forms of clean energy with the aim of building effective marketing and business development structure for the biogas sector, this approach is called the Biogas Marketing Hub model (BMH). The models empowers active Biogas entrepreneurs, to enhance their entrepreneurial capacities to be able to grow their business while supporting the global effects of reducing the negative effects of climate change.

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